Amelia Cunningham

The multifunctional play mat that grows with your family

The multifunctional play mat that grows with your family

Most parents are guilty of it - purchasing items for the children that are not used. It might be certain toys that were not in favour, or other objects purchased with the best intentions, that end up collecting dust. In our case it was a toddler book shelf that was never hung up, safety reigns that Daddy declared "inhumane" and a baby sling which baby hated.

Toddlekind Prettier Playmat that grows with your baby

Sometimes we can have the best intentions but end up being wasteful. Take a standard baby mat, admittedly they are very useful for a few months and then end up redundant when baby simply rolls off onto the floor.

Toddlekind Prettier Playmat that fits in all rooms of your home

That is why we created a range of playmats completely customisable in size. Meaning you could start with a standard option, then expand it as your baby grows using our clever puzzle pieces that have edging to offer a seamless look.

As parents, we spend a lot of time with our children on the floor, from babies to toddlers to family games and interactions. Creating a comfortable, practical but stylish flooring solution is what drove us to create our Prettier Playmats.

Toddlekind Prettier Playmat that grows with your family

Our grown-up designs mean that they are not just for a child's room, but can be used anywhere - in the living room, kitchen, playroom, nursery or for yoga & exercise. You can even split the mat up and use it as a bath kneeler in the bathroom to protect your knees whilst you're bathing your child.

Toddlekind Playmat for yoga as well as your baby

We realised that for a long time a rug isn't the best flooring, not for infants anyway. It made sense to have something that can be wiped clean, that had all the features of a rug (stunning aesthetic, soft and comfortable), yet is easy to clean. That's why our playmats are so much more than the standard playmat - ours can be used as a complete rug replacement.


Toddlekind Prettier Playmat that grows with your baby in Petroleum

 And when your baby is no longer the dribbly, cute mess making machine they once were, then you can move the playmat to another space. You can use it as soft flooring throughout the home, or as your very own yoga space.

Toddlekind Prettier Playmat that grows with your baby

Finally, a play mat that grows with you and your family. We hope you like them, please let us know your thoughts.

 With love your Toddlekind team



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Toddlekind's multifunctional baby and toddler playmat that grows with your family

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